No namespace
__autoloadHelper | Autoload helper |
_addFormData | Convert form data into js variable |
_addHeadScript | Add JS file to be included in head section |
_addHeadStyle | Add CSS file to be included in head section |
_addJsVar | Passing values from PHP to Javascript making available to LC.vars |
_app | Set/Get a global variable/object |
_arg | Return a component of the current path. When viewing a page and its path would be "foo/bar", for example, _arg(0) returns "foo" and _arg(1) returns "bar" |
_asynFileUploader | Simple helper to create AsynFileUploader object |
_autoloadDir | Autoload classes from directory |
_baseDirs | Get base directory list by priority |
_baseUrlWithProtocol | Get base URL with protocol |
_breadcrumb | Generate breadcrumb by a separator |
_canonical | Setter for canonical URL if the argument is given and print the canonical link tag if the argument is not given |
_cfg | Convenience method to get/set a config variable without global declaration within the calling function |
_cfgOption | Convenience method to get the value of the array config variable by its key |
_cipher | Get current cipher method |
_consoleCommand | Simple helper to create an instance of LucidFrame\Console\Command |
_consoleCommands | Simple helper to get all registered commands |
_consoleTable | Simple helper to create an instance of LucidFrame\Console\ConsoleTable |
_cr | Get the clean routing path without the query string
For example, |
_css | CSS file include helper |
_decrypt | Decrypts the given text using security salt if mcrypt extension is enabled, otherwise return the original encrypted string |
_defaultLang | Get the default site language code |
_defaultQueryLang | Get the default site language code by converting dash to underscore |
_dir | Get a full path directory |
_dpr | Convenience method for |
_ds | Return directories and file names glued by directory separator |
_dump | Convenience method for |
_en2myNum | Convert English number to Myanmar number |
_encrypt | Encrypts the given text using security salt if mcrypt extension is enabled, otherwise using md5() |
_entity | Get default entity object from the schema |
_env | Get the parameter value by name defined in /inc/parameter/ |
_fdate | Format a date |
_fdatetime | Format a date/time |
_fileHelper | Simple helper to create File object |
_filesize | Find the size of the given file. |
_filterArrayEmpty | Filters elements of an array which have empty values |
_fnum | Format a number |
_fnumReverse | Remove the number formatting (e.g., thousand separator) from the given number |
_fnumSmart | Format a number in a smarter way, i.e., decimal places are omitted when necessary. Given the 2 decimal places, the value 5.00 will be shown 5 whereas the value 5.01 will be shown as it is. |
_fstr | Format a string |
_ftimeAgo | Display elapsed time in wording, e.g., 2 hours ago, 1 year ago, etc. |
_g | Convenience method to get/set a global variable |
_get | Sanitize input values from GET |
_getLang | Get the language to process
Read "lang" from query string; if it is not found, get the default language code
Basically, it is useful for admin content management by language
Hook to implement |
_getLangInURI | Check if the URI has a language code and return it when it matches For example, |
_getTranslationStrings | Get translation strings from the query result
and return the array of |
_h | Convenience method for htmlspecialchars. |
_header | Send HTTP header |
_host | Get the host name or server name |
_hreflang | Print hreflang for language and regional URLs |
_i | File include helper Find files under the default directories inc/, js/, css/ according to the defined site directories $lc_sites |
_image | Display an image fitting into the desired dimension
It expects the file existing in one of the directories |
_img | Get the image file name with absolute web path |
_indent | Write spacer for indentation purpose |
_isAjax | Check if the request is an AJAX request |
_isBot | Detect the current page visited by a search bot or crawler |
_isHttpPost | Check if HTTP request has POST values |
_isRewriteRule | Check if the current routing is a particular URL RewriteRule processing or not |
_js | JS file include helper |
_json | Header sent as text/json |
_lang | Get the current site language code |
_langName | Get the current site language name of the given language code If the site is multilingual, return empty If no given code, return the language name of the default language code |
_langs | Get array of the defined languages |
_loader | Auto-load a library, script or file |
_mail | Simple mail helper function The formatting of the email addresses must comply with RFC 2822. Some examples are: |
_meta | Simple quick helper function for tag attribute values |
_metaSeoTags | Print SEO meta tags |
_middleware | Simple helper to register a middleware |
_minifyHTML | Minify and compress the given HTML according to the configuration $lc_minifyHTML |
_msg | Print or return the message formatted with HTML |
_multilingual | Get the current site is multi-lingual or not |
_notEmpty | Check the given value is not empty |
_nullFill | Return a value or empty sign
Hook to implement |
_p | Get the parameter value by name defined in /inc/parameter/(development|production|staging|test).php |
_page401 | Redirect to 401 page |
_page403 | Redirect to 403 page |
_page404 | Redirect to 404 page |
_pager | Simple helper to create Pager object |
_patch | Accessing PATCH request data |
_post | Sanitize input values from POST |
_postTranslationStrings | Get translation strings from the POST array and prepare to insert or update into the table according to the specified fields |
_pr | Convenience method for |
_protocol | Get the server protocol For example, http, https, ftp, etc. |
_put | Accessing PUT request data |
_queryLang | Get the current site language code by converting dash (URL-friendly) to underscore (db-friendly) |
_r | Get the current routing path For example, |
_randomCode | Generate a random string from the given array of letters. |
_redirect | Header redirect to a specific location |
_redirect301 | Header redirect to a specific location by sending 301 status code |
_requestHeader | Fetch a HTTP request header by name |
_requestHeaders | Fetch all HTTP request headers |
_rr | The more realistic function to get the current routing path on the address bar regardless of RewriteRule behind For example, |
_sanitize | Sanitize strings |
_schema | Get schema definition file |
_script | Declare global JS variables
Hook to implement |
_self | Get the absolute URL path |
_shorten | Shorten a string for the given length |
_slug | Generate a slug of human-readable keywords |
_sqlDate | Return the SQL date (Y-m-d) from the given date and format |
_ssl | Check SSL or not |
_t | Translation helper It returns a translated string if it is found; Otherwise, the given string itself |
_tc | Get translation contents from the content file located in i18n/ctn/[lang]/*.[lang] Example, i18n/ctn/en/about.en |
_title | Get the page title glued by a separator |
_unloader | Removing a library, script or file from auto-load |
_url | Get the absolute URL path |
_urlLang | Get the current site language code by converting underscore (db-friendly) to dash (URL-friendly) |
_validHost | Validate that a hostname (for example $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) is safe. |
_version | Returns the current PHPLucidFrame version |
_view | Get view file |
_write | Write output |
_writeln | Write output with line feed (\n) |
_xss | Strips javascript tags in the value to prevent from XSS attack |
auth_can | Check if the authenticated user has a particular permission This function is overridable from the custom helpers/auth_helper.php |
auth_clear | Clear the authenticated user object from session |
auth_create | Create Authentication object This function is overridable from the custom helpers/auth_helper.php |
auth_get | Get the authenticated user object from Session |
auth_getUserInfo | Get user record from db to create auth session This function is overridable from the custom helpers/auth_helper.php |
auth_isAnonymous | Check if a user is not authenticated |
auth_isLoggedIn | Check if a user is authenticated |
auth_namespace | Get the namespace for the authentication object Sometimes, the Auth session name should be different upon directory (namespace) |
auth_permissions | Get the permissions of a particular role This function is overridable from the custom helpers/auth_helper.php |
auth_prerequisite | Check and get the authentication configuration settings |
auth_role | Check if the authenticated user has the specific user role This function is overridable from the custom helpers/auth_helper.php |
auth_roles | Check if the authenticated user has the specific user role(s) This function is overridable from the custom helpers/auth_helper.php |
auth_set | Set the authenticated user object to Session |
cookie_delete | Delete a cookie Convenience method to delete $_COOKIE['cookiename'] |
cookie_get | Get a cookie Convenience method to access $_COOKIE[cookiename] |
cookie_set | Send a cookie Convenience method for setcookie() |
db_and | Build the SQL WHERE clause AND condition from array of conditions |
db_avg | Initialize a query builder to perform an AVG query on the database |
db_close | Closes a previously opened database connection |
db_collation | Return the database collation of the given namespace |
db_commit | Commit the current transaction, making its changes permanent. |
db_count | Perform a count query on the database and return the count |
db_delete | Handy MYSQL delete operation for single record. It checks FK delete RESTRICT constraint, then SET deleted if it cannot be deleted |
db_delete_multi | Handy MYSQL delete operation for multiple records |
db_disableForeignKeyCheck | Disable foreign key check |
db_enableForeignKeyCheck | Enable foreign key check |
db_engine | Return the database engine of the given namespace |
db_error | Returns a string description of the last error |
db_errorNo | Returns the error code for the most recent MySQLi function call |
db_escapeString | |
db_extract | Perform a query on the database and return the array of all results |
db_fetch | Perform a query on the database and return the first field value only. |
db_fetchArray | Fetch a result row as an associative, a numeric array, or both |
db_fetchAssoc | Fetch a result row as an associative array |
db_fetchObject | Returns the current row of a result set as an object |
db_fetchResult | Perform a query on the database and return the first result row as object |
db_find | Find a single entity result by id |
db_findOrFail | Find a single entity result by id or show 404 if not found |
db_findWithPager | Get data with pagination |
db_host | Return the database host name of the given namespace |
db_insert | Handy MYSQL insert operation |
db_insertId | Returns the auto generated id used in the last query |
db_insertSlug | Returns the generated slug used in the last query |
db_max | Initialize a query builder to perform a MAX query on the database |
db_min | Initialize a query builder to perform a MIN query on the database |
db_name | Return the database name of the given namespace |
db_numRows | Gets the number of rows in a result |
db_or | Build the SQL WHERE clause OR condition from array of conditions |
db_prefix | Return the database table prefix of the given namespace |
db_prq | Make the generated query returned from the query executing functions
such as db_query, db_update, db_delete, etc. without executing the query
especially for debugging and testing. Call |
db_query | Perform a query on the database |
db_queryStr | Get the last executed SQL string or one of the executed SQL strings by providing the index |
db_raw | Get raw expression string |
db_rollback | Roll back the current transaction, canceling its changes. |
db_save | Handy db insert/update operation |
db_select | Initialize a query builder to perform a SELECT query on the database |
db_setCharset | |
db_setForeignKeyCheck | Set foreign key check |
db_sum | Initialize a query builder to perform a SUM query on the database |
db_switch | Switch to the given database from the currently active database |
db_table | Get the full table name with prefix |
db_tableHasSlug | Check the table has slug field |
db_tableHasTimestamps | Check the table has timestamp fields |
db_transaction | Start a new transaction |
db_truncate | Truncate the table |
db_update | Handy MYSQL update operation |
db_user | Return the database username of the given namespace |
flash_get | Get the flash message from session and then delete it This function is overridable from the custom helpers/session_helper.php |
flash_set | Set the flash message in session This function is overridable from the custom helpers/session_helper.php |
form_checked | Allow you to select a checkbox or a radio button |
form_htmlValue | Permits you to set the value to a rich text editor or any input where HTML source is required to be rendered. Allows you to safely use HTML and characters such as quotes within form elements without breaking out of the form |
form_init | Initialize form |
form_respond | AJAX form responder |
form_selected | Allow you to select the option of a drop-down list. |
form_set | Setter for the class properties |
form_token | Form token generation |
form_validate | Form token validation |
form_value | Permits you to set the value of an input or textarea. Allows you to safely use HTML and characters such as quotes within form elements without breaking out of the form |
route | Initialize a route to define |
route_contain | Check if the current route uri contains the given URI or list of URIs |
route_equal | Check if the current route is equal to the given uri or route name |
route_except | Check if the current route uri is in th exception list |
route_group | Define route group |
route_name | Get the current route name |
route_path | Get the routing path |
route_search | Search the physical directory according to the routing path |
route_start | Check if the current route uri is started with the given uri |
route_updateQueryStr | Update the route path with the given query string |
route_url | Return the absolute URL path appended the query string if necessary |
session_delete | Delete a message or value of the given name from Session |
session_get | Get a message or value of the given name from Session |
session_set | Set a message or value in Session using a name |
validate_alphaNumeric | Checks that a string contains only integer or letters |
validate_alphaNumericDash | Checks that a string contains only integer, letters or dashes |
validate_alphaNumericSpace | Checks that a string contains only integer, letters or spaces |
validate_between | Checks that a number is within a specified range. |
validate_custom | Used when a custom regular expression is needed. Searches the value for a match to the regular expression given in pattern. |
validate_date | Validation of a date which checks if the string passed is a valid date. Allowed formats |
validate_datetime | Validation of a date/time which checks if the string passed is a valid date and time. Allowed date formats |
validate_domain | Checks if the value is a valid domain (alpha-numeric and dash only) |
validate_email | Validates for an email address. |
validate_fileExactDimension | Validation of image file upload for exact width and height |
validate_fileExtension | Validation of image file upload for allowed file extensions |
validate_fileMaxDimension | Validation of image file upload for max width and max height |
validate_fileMaxHeight | Validation of image file upload for max height only |
validate_fileMaxSize | Validation of maximum file upload size |
validate_fileMaxWidth | Validation of image file upload for max width only |
validate_integer | Checks if a value is a positive or negative integer. |
validate_ip | Validation of an IP address. |
validate_mandatory | Checks that a string contains something other than whitespace |
validate_mandatoryAll | Check all the fields are not empty |
validate_mandatoryOne | Check one of the fields is required |
validate_max | Checks that a number is less than the specific number. |
validate_maxLength | Checks that a string length is less than the specific length. |
validate_min | Checks that a number is greater than the specific number. |
validate_minLength | Checks that a string length is greater than the specific length. |
validate_naturalNumber | Checks if a value is a positive integer starting from 1, 2, 3, and so on. No decimal |
validate_notAllowZero | Check a string or number is zero or not |
validate_numeric | Checks if a value is numeric. |
validate_numericDash | Checks if the value contains numbers and dashes |
validate_numericSpace | Checks if the value contains numbers and spaces |
validate_positiveRationalNumber | Checks if a value is a positive integer AND decimal |
validate_rationalNumber | Checks if a value is an integer AND decimal. |
validate_time | Validation of a time which checks if the string passed is a valid time in 24-hour or 12-hour format or both Allowed inputs |
validate_unique | Validation of a record uniqueness |
validate_url | Validates for a valid absolute web address |
validate_username | Checks if the value does not contain special characters |
validate_wholeNumber | Checks if a value is a positive integer starting from 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on. No decimal. |
validation_addError | Add an external error messsage |
validation_check | Check all inputs according to the validation rules provided |
validation_get | Getter for Validation class properties |
validation_set | Setter for Validation class properties |